Gaming Desk With Headset Stand & Cup Holder
- Stable Design with T-Shape Legs and Adjustable Foot-pad
- 1.8cm Table Surface Brings Comfortable Touch Feeling
- An Extra Headset Holder and Cup Holder Releasing the Table Space
منتجات ذات صلة
التصنيف: كراسي وطاولات
الوسوم: <div, 1.8cm, adjustable, Brings, class="form-items-variants, class="pro-reviews-tem"> <div, class="product_subtitle_tem">Gaming, class="short-desc-container">, class="small-item-grid-1, class="variants"> <div, Comfortable, data-section="product-template"> <div, DE-08, Design, Desk, Extra, fantech, Feeling, Foot-pad, gaming, Headset, holder, Holder <div, large-item-grid-2, Legs, marvo, medium-item-grid-2, online, Releasing, row-spacing-50">, row-spacing-50"> <div, small-item-grid-1, Space <div, Stable, Stand, Surface, T-Shape, Table, Touch, with, كمبيوتر, لونا تكنولوجي, نابلس